Healthy Environs is a multi-disciplinary sustainability and community wellbeing consultancy.
Public health broadly consists of three different strands, the ‘3Ps’: health promotion, prevention of ill health and health protection. At Healthy Environs we work across all three strands with the government sector and industry. Our work has involved health and wellbeing projects across the lifespan, from projects related to early childhood development through to wellbeing in aged care.
We work collectively with communities to strengthen wellbeing and resilience through policy, projects and place-based approaches. Our strengths are in building community connections through community hubs and online networks and reflecting community voice in policy, strategy and action. We provide an organisational backbone to building linkages between community groups, government and the corporate sector.
Healthy Environs takes an integrated approach to deliver positive outcomes for both the natural and built environment and the communities that they sustain. We have team members with extensive sustainability policy and environmental management experience. We work with a range of stakeholders in local communities to establish a sustainability vision, strategy and partnerships. Our strategy experience extends to planning for resilient regions in the face of climate change.
Our team has a passion for creating partnerships to build healthy and resilient cities and regions. We’re skilled at connecting communities, business and government in sustainability and social strategy development and implementation.
With a strong internal focus on nurturing skills and mentoring staff, Healthy Environs maintains its focus on producing quality outcomes and tailored services to suit our client needs.
Our collective expertise spans sustainability strategy, community wellbeing, public and environmental health, community development, stakeholder management, community engagement, collective impact, health promotion, program evaluation, process improvement, community governance, community hub management and building online communities. Our team respects and partners with diverse communities across urban, rural and remote Australia.
Let’s Work Together
Healthy Environs is a multi-disciplinary sustainability and community wellbeing consultancy. We’re always looking for new opportunities. Please get in touch and one of our project managers will contact you about beginning the proposal process.